Night and Day...


Night and Day

Day breaks
And yet another,
Night beckons
An altogether
Mystic cabal.

Soft blankets of dreamless sleep
Quiet parodies of painless deep
Where numbness rules
And darkness proves
Master and Principal
Of this guileless fool.

Day break holds no solace dear
The veils asunder now even more clear
Cavernous, abysmal, fathomless deep
That vice like depravity
Cutting, grasping
Unstoppable bleak.

No respite this, the morning air
This fog of pain and bitter fear
Only sinking in till surroundings near
Too shudder and gasp at hauntings here;

What day is this? More twilight still
What day there be? Though sunlight fills
Only the clawing, black beckoning ills
That echo and piercing, my soul doth fill.

Night, sweet night but for a moment breathes
When heaviness and the aches do flee
Then tired lids and tired soul doth abide in thee
And for the instant be rested, be silent and be free.

                                                                          ~ Judith Vaddi

Photo courtesy@OngmuGombu....  :)
