The humble egg. Now a major social media phenomenon. Garnering over 35 million likes and counting, its popularity has been dissected and questioned and debated on various news channels and late night talk shows.
It is a frightening testament to a world that is besotted with what we can ‘see’, the outward appearance, if you will. The social media is full of such challenges almost every day, with people dancing weirdly next to moving cars or positioning themselves with their array of goods all neatly ‘spilled’ out on the streets.
For one, it seems people have way too much time on their hands and the other, more sobering thought, a scant disregard for the actual things that matter. The world is erupting in chaos around us, with wars and natural disasters of epic proportions and yet, we seem to have our heads sunk firmly in the sand; in this case, the internet, that seems to have replaced real, tangible relationships.
In our day and age, we talked and read and went for long drives, munched oranges under the winter sun and sang ourselves silly on jeep rides with the wind whipping around while the juniper trees, looked down, tall and resplendent, and perhaps a tad indulgently at our antics.
So to get back on track, thought I would share a poem I had written a few years back.
“Vanity of vanities…. All is vanity..” ~ Ecclesiastes 1:2
And to that I say, egg-sactly so!
#egg #10yearchallenge
P.S. There is actually a realtime hashtag trending map online - but that’s for another day! 😊
# Beauty and the Beast
Attractive? No
Mundane at best
Desirable? Most definitely not
The odds of that
Laughable at most.
What and who
Decides then
What is best?
The beauty that lies
Too oft, too much
The burden lies
On rosy lips
And buxom thighs.
No scant regard
For hearts within
Or sentiments,
And souls that sing.
Alas, our worlds now be
Always and only
Besotted, beguiled
Smitten be,
With appearances, forms
And skin, flashes white
That, and bosoms tight.
No place therein
For halves as I
No spaces then
For those
That fit not right
No measure, still
No place! No place!
Shrill voices cry.
Discarded, forgotten
Laid waste beside
For there is the one
And only one
The meter, the cadence
That gauges us all
The one that says
This, then is one
The fairest of all..
~Judith Vaddi
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