Blue eyes holding back the tears

Holding back the pain

Baby's got blue eyes…

~ Elton John







When leaves fall, and trees swollen, in hues of amber, ochre and rust, apologetically almost for the barren earth below.


It is a time of rest, as harvest is done and the land lies fallow, unseeded, untilled, waiting.

Soon the snow and the biting winds will either sweep away or cover it completely until the spring thaws begin.

Until spring and the cycle of life.

Once more, the slow winding, of bloom, flower, fade and sink yet again into the soil below.


For most of my life, the seasons were all a frenzied rush, one seemingly lost into the other. Until four years ago.


There were so many losses then. And I had taken each one and pushed it away into the dark, trying to will the grief into submission.


I had written this piece then, ten months after my father’s passing… https://judithnv25.blogspot.com/2016/11/the-burial-of-grief.html


And as I had written then, I hope reading it again, will bring you a measure of comfort and peace…



‘On a day like this, clear, blue skies; a tune from an old forgotten song will rekindle all those memories again. It will hit you like a sharp, searing knife and it will feel like someone is ripping your soul apart.


But it is all right to feel those things. And it is all right to grieve.’


#The Burial Of Grief


Why must I feel this?

How do I feel this?

Pain that sears

Yet increasingly numbs.


How must I feel this?

I am yet to cease

This, the relentless

Swathing grief.



‘Tis the hour of lead

And dull, a fog


An endless chasm.


And so, though

Still the hour 

 I bury but

My love

I bury not

My heart, my grief..


~ Judith Vaddi

