About two years ago I had written this - http://judithnv25.blogspot.com/2019/12/a-z-a-d-i.html at a time of not so whispered stirrings and the not quite strident dissent.


Cut to the present day.


Anger can only take you so far before it turns inward into a spiralling abyss. Grief further still. And as we wait for hope, we write.


I hope that even as you read this, that you do not turn away. While you stare into the deep dark void, know that there are countless others like you.


For them, for you and for me, moving on means to first admit that we grieve. That it is all right to feel all of this, this that threatens even now to consume us.


Allow yourself this time for grief. And rage. And unbridled pain.


So that when the time comes to face what lies ahead, the monsters that tower above us, the fears that grip our chests and our hearts, that we have looked you in the eye.

Stared right through the piercing frost.

Stood firm and shown that we are here.


Broken and bruised.

But very much here….




रोका है कौन आपको?



रोका है कौन आपको?

इतने खफा हो रहे हो

रोका है कौन आपको?

असीमअनंतबेहद ये शोर

सिर्फ जलील हुए हैं,

ईन जंजीरोबस

यही एक अकड़ में

झूठा जलील और कितने होंगे

अपनी ये बुज़दिली पे

खौफनाक हैं ये युग हमारी

अंधकारदर्द की सीमाये नहीं

थोडी सी मरहम लगाते

मिले हम लेकिन सिर्फ,

ये ढोंगी वादे

और कितने चीखेंगे इन आवाज़े

और कितने बनेंगे गूंगेबेहरे

और कितने लाशें बहेंगे,

बच्चे अनाथबेबस माँ बाप

और कितने सीमाओं पार करेंगे

और कितनी नकारेंगे हमें?

कब तक ?

और कब तक ?

और नहीं हमें यह झेलना

रोका है कौन आपको?

इतने खफा हो रहे हो

थोड़ी सी ही मरहम लगाते


बस ख़फ़ा ही हो रहे हो....



 What’s your excuse?


What’s your excuse?

Except, there is

Only this,

The anger


What’s your excuse?

Save this

Boundless, endless

Noise beside.




Wanton pride

How long

Must this

The lies,

Waste wilful

This, the

Endless fear


Dreadful this

The world around us

Dark this

The incessant haze

All we asked

Was this

Empath, solace


Just this,

This, the

Hollow vows, vacant

Teary eyed.


How long must

These wailings rise

How long the

Lingering, wordless


How long

These remains

Floating abide

How long the

Cries of

Babes, mothers

Separated beside

How far

How steep

The chasms deep

Derision, mocking,

Scarring breach

How long?

How much?

No more

Burden’s grief



What’s your excuse?

Except, there is

Only this

This the anger


All we asked

Was this

Just this

Empath, solace


Just this,

This the anger

Ever more


~ Judith Vaddi


(This being my second attempt at writing a poem in Hindi, I beg your indulgence and pardon. For those who cannot read the script, I have tried to translate as best I could in English.)



