Villanelle ~ When Day is Done


A villanelle, also known as villanesque, is a nineteen-line poetic form consisting of five tercets followed by a quatrain.

Villanelle (character) ~ "a manic pixie dream assassin who's as charming as she is psychopathic"





When day’s light breaks, and day is done

Purple mist amidst the slay

Then shall this meet, sky, earth, stars upon


The rage and rife, of days undone

And age and hope, fears that prey

This, the absence, doom, another dawn


Gently breathes the scarlet scorn

Grazing, grinding past the dying day

Sweet, rancid breath, of passing morn


Though soon the dark reign be upon

Amidst the soon cascading grey

Amidst the glimmer faint anon


Death, harbinger, yet unborn

And skies dim, and distant the day

And crimson, bitter, thither and yon  


 And love is dead, derision, scorn

Curses, this the remains of day

When day’s light breaks and day is done

Then shall this meet, sky, earth, me, the stars upon.


~ Judith Vaddi
