The Madness of Men

 The Madness of Men

Smoke rises on the far horizon. 
A long plume of ash and grey, and scattered around it, flickering piles of amber. There is no sound save the harsh, jagged breaths of those that are fleeing, feet heavy, hearts heavier….

Down by the valley, we once met.
Under sheer blue skies
Long winding roads,
Under the shadow of the juniper blades, 
Muscles grinding, feet dribbling, 
Brothers in arms.

Down by the valley, we once met.
Giggling girls and skylit cafes.
Bubble tea and book readings.
Weddings and babies,
And evening runs 
Under a purple arching, aching dusk.

Down by the valley, we once met.
Over coffee and breaking of bread.
Over late lunches, 
Endless rides through indigo hills.
Of late-night hushed conversations, 
Star-filled nights.

Down by the valley, we once met.
Now only brief, scattered
Ashes, cinders cold, 
Somewhere through the dark, 
Faint cries, faint feet
A haunting wail.

Down by the valley
When men were men
When love was new, 
Kisses soft
Now only this
Mayhem and madness 
Now unleashed, unfettered
These the rabid
The legions of hell.
